
How do i delete word documents from my phone
How do i delete word documents from my phone

how do i delete word documents from my phone

Unfortunately, the only way I've found to rid yourself of these is to do a restore back to factory settings and restore it as a NEW PHONE. However, if you still have some messages left (I still had 3.6GB left), you probably have a lot of messages backed up to your iTunes from before iCloud. If so, you just told iCloud not to save your documents and data anymore. Then go back to your Usage and see if the number of GB next to MESSAGES has decreased. Geniuses my ***! Here's what finally worked for me (suggested by one of my best friends before I ever went to see a "genius").įirst, go to Settings>iCound>Documents and Data. and, upon looking up Usage in the phone 4.1GB next to Messages(saved)) and the "genius" at the store was absolutely no help whatsoever. I had the EXACT same problem (4.1GB documents and data when plugged into iTunes. Then I synced my phone on itunes and it worked! I can't believe how long I've been trying to fix this stupid issue and I finally got rid of that huge 6.60gb of space under Documents and Data! I regret ever upgrading to ios7 as I never had problems before until I upgraded but I was forced to as most apps required the upgrade.


It was showing 6gb of messages (saved) so I went and deleted each message one by one (ridiculous that there isn't an option to delete all messages at same time or at least multiples without having to hit each one individually!) but I made sure to back them up first on this software I have called iExplorer (I think I paid $29 for it but can't remember as I got it so long ago but really never used it until now). I was having this issue and it was driving me nuts because I already have such little amount of space! I followed the advice of someone on here (I can't remember which forum it was) and went to: Settings > General > Usage and I could see immediately that my Messages was taking up all the space in "Documents and Data" category.

How do i delete word documents from my phone